IJMB – secure direct admission into 200 Level in various universities in Nigeria. The IJMB program in Nigeria has helped many students secure their ticket into the 200 Level in Various Universities without having to sit for the JAMB exam and at a considerably lower cost.
The Institution was established to provide qualitative and reliable educational assessment, encouraging academic and moral excellence and promoting sustainable human resource development.
Hundreds of Thousands of students apply and sit for UTME yearly but only about 20% are successful in securing admission into Nigeria universities. Most of these candidates, who fail to secure admission, reapply in subsequent years thereby worsening the admission burden in Nigerian Universities. Even for those who come off successful with over 200 scores in UTME, some of them end up not being able to secure admission. The worst dilemma is that they cannot use the result in the following year, as the UTME result is only valid for one (1) year, as against the IJMB result which has no expiry date.
This is particularly why the IJMB Advanced Level programme is a better recommendation. Other Advanced level programmes, apart from IJMB include NAGCE, CAMBRIDGE, among others.
The IJMB Advanced Level programme runs for a period of two semesters, after which a successful IJMB student graduates into 200 levels in the University through direct entry. All courses are available for the IJMB programme.
Candidates seeking admission into the IJMB programme must possess a minimum of 5 Credits in relevant O level subjects from WAEC, NECO or NABTEB in not more than two sittings. Awaiting results can also apply for the IJMB programme.
Lectures on the IJMB programme are guided by the approved IJMB syllabus and the contents of the IJMB syllabus cover the University 100 level syllabus and above, which must be taught within a period of two semesters.
The entire IJMB examination process is moderated by the IJMB headquarters, ABU, Zaria together with JAMB-approved moderators at the approved IJMB affiliated institutions.
More about the Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB)
The Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination (IJMBE) is a qualifying examination into Nigerian and Foreign Universities. The IJMB examination is primarily for Advanced Level subjects for Direct Entry into 200 level in the Universities.
The syllabus for the IJMB Examination is compiled in line with international standard educational requirements and admission requirements of various Universities, Nigeria and overseas.
The IJMB syllabus is designed to be covered in only one (1) academic session over a period of two (2) semesters. The content of the IJMB syllabus is structured in such a way to ensure that all the topics in the IJMB subjects are covered within the two semesters. A list of relevant IJMB reading texts is provided at the end of each IJMB subject syllabus to guide the institutions, lecturers and students in the course of running the IJMB programme.
For effective coverage of the IJMB syllabus, a minimum of 8-10 lecture hours per week is recommended, IJMB practical and field works included. The IJMB syllabus may be revised every eight (8) years.
IJMB is a national educational programme approved by the Federal Government, coordinated nationwide by Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, with different affiliated Study Centres across the country. The IJMB programme provides a platform that enables successful IJMB candidates to secure direct admission into 200 Levels in Nigerian Universities and Abroad.
Annually, about 30,000 candidates are put in for the IJMB programme, out of which about 20,000 applicants come off successful at the end of the IJMB programme, and secure admission with the IJMB result into 200 levels in various Universities nationwide.
IJMBE is certified by the Nigeria University Commission (NUC) and Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) has an A’level programme that qualifies candidates to secure direct admission into 200 Level in the Universities upon successful completion of the IJMB programme.
Candidates for the IJMB Advanced Level Examination should refer to the current JAMB brochure for appropriate IJMB subject combinations leading to the proposed course of study in the University. Each IJMB candidate shall enrol and sit for only three (3) subjects for the final IJMB examination.
- PA = Public Admin
BAF = Banking and Finance.
MK = Marketing.
AE = Agriculture Engineering.
MC = Mass Comm.
URP = Urban Reg. Plan
1. | 001 | O/L English Only | |
2. | 002 | O/L Maths Only | |
3. | 003 | O/L English and Maths | |
4. | 004 | Acct, Bus. Mgt., A/L Maths. | Acct; Bus. Admin., PA, BAF, MK |
5. | 005 | Acct, Bus. Mgt., Econs | Acct; Bus. Admin., Econs, PA, BAF, MK |
6. | 006 | Acct, Bus. Mgt., Geog. | Acct; Bus. Admin., PA, BAF, MK |
7. | 007 | Acct, Bus. Mgt., Govt. | Acct; Bus. Admin., PA, BAF, MK |
8. | 008 | Acct, Bus. Mgt., Socio | Acct; Bus. Admin., Sociol, PA, BAF, MK |
9. | 009 | Acct, Econs, Geog. | Acct; Bus. Admin., Econs, PA, BAF, MK, URP |
10. | 010 | Acct, Econs, Govt. | Acct; Bus. Admin., Econs, PA, BAF, MK, MC |
11. | 011 | Acct, Econs, Sociol. | Acct; Bus. Admin., Econs., Sociol., PA, BAF |
12. | 012 | Acct., Geog., A/L Maths. | Acct; Bus. Admin., Geog., PA, BAF, MK, URP |
13. | 013 | Acct., Geog., Govt. | Acct; Bus. Admin., Geog., PA, BAF, MK |
14. | 014 | Acct., Geog., Sociol., | Acct., Bus. Admin., Sociol., Mass Com.; PA., BAF, MK. |
15. | 015 | Acct., Govt., A/L Maths. | Acct; Bus. Admin., PA, BAF, MK |
16. | 016 | Acct., Govt., Sociol., | Acct., Bus. Admin., Sociol., Pol. Sci.; Inter. Studies; PA., BAF, MK, Mass Com. |
17. | 017 | Arabic; French; CRS | Single Honours |
18. | 018 | Arabic; French; IS | Single Honours |
19. | 019 | Arabic, Govt., Hausa | Pol. Sc.; Inter. Studies; Mass Com., Single Honours |
20. | 020 | Arabic; Govt; Isl. St. | Pol. Sc.; Inter. Studies; Mass Com., Single Honours |
21. | 021 | Arabic., Hausa; Hist. | Archaeology (ABU); Mass Com., Pol. Sc., Inter. Science, Single Honours |
22. | 022 | Arabic., Hausa; Isl. St. | Single Honours |
23. | 023 | Arabic, Hausa; Lit.; | Law, Single Honours. |
24. | 024 | Arabic., Hist; Isl. St. | Law, Pol. Sc., Archeology, Single Hononurs |
25 | 025 | Arabic.,Hist; Lit. | Law, Single Honours., MC., Pol. Sci., Inter Studies., Archeology |
26. | 026 | Biol; Chem; A/L Maths | Medicine, Vet. Medicine, Pharmacy, Biochem., Micro biology, Agricultural Sci., Tex Sc., Single Honours |
27. | 027 | Biol; Chem; Geog., | Agric Sc.; Archeology, Biochem.; Micro Biology, Physiology, Single Honours |
28. | 028 | Bio; Chem; Geol, | Single Honours in any of three subject, Biochem, Micro biology, Physiology, Single honours |
29 | 029 | Bio; Chem., Physics | Medicine, Vet. Medicine, Agric. Sc., Engineering, Textile Sci., and Technology, Pharmacy, Biochem., Geophysics, Archeology, Micro Biology, Single Honours |
30. | 030 | Bus. Mgt., Econs., A/l Maths | Bus. Admin., Econs, Acct., URP, BAF, MK |
31. | 031 | Bus. Mgt., Econs., Geog. | Bus. Admin., Econs, Acct., URP, BAF, MK |
32. | 032 | Bus. Mgt., Econs., Govt. | Bus. Admin., Econs, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, public Admin., Mass Com., Acct., BAF, MK |
33. | 033 | Bus. Mgt., Econs.,Sociology | Bus. Admin., Single Honours, Acct., PA, BAF |
34. | 034 | Bus. Mgt., Geog., A/L Maths | Bus. Admin., Environmental sciences, Acct., PA, BAF, MK |
35. | 035 | Bus. Mgt., Geog., Govt. | Bus. Admin., Public Admin.,, Acct., BAF, MK |
36. | 036 | Bus. Mgt., Geog., Sociology | Bus. Admin., Sociology, Acct., PA, BAF, MK |
37. | 037 | Bus. Mgt., Govt., Sociology | Bus. Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Acct., BAF, MK |
38. | 038 | Chem., Geog., A/L Maths | Envl Sc., Agric. Science, Archeology, Textile Sci., Single Honours |
39. | 039 | Chem., Geog., Physics | Envl Sc., Agric. Science, Archeology, Textile Sci., Single Honours |
40. | 040 | Chem., Geol., A/L Maths | Envl Sc., Agric. Science, Archeology, Textile Sci. |
41. | 041 | Chem., Geol., physics | Envl Sc., Agric. Science, Archeology, Textile Sci., Single Honours |
42. | 042 | Chem., Physics, A/L Maths | Envl Sc., Agric Science, Text Sc., Engr., Comp Sc., Geophysics, Single Honours |
43. | 043 | CRS, Govt., Hausa | Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Mass Com |
44. | 044 | CRS, Govt., Lit | Single Honours, Law, B. Sc. Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Mass Com |
45. | 045 | CRS, Hausa, Hist. | Single Honours, Archeology (ABU), Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Mass Com |
46. | 046 | CRS, Hausa., Lit | Single Honours, Law |
47. | 047 | CRS, Hist.,, Lit | Single Honours, Law, Archeology (ABU), Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Mass Com |
48. | 048 | Econs; Geog., A/L Maths | Envl Sc., URP, Single Honours, Acct, BAF, PA, MK |
49. | 049 | Econs; Geog., Govt. | URP, Single Honours, Acct, BAF, PA, MK, MC |
50. | 050 | Econs; Geog., Sociology | URP, Single Honours in all three Subject, Acct, BAF, PA |
51. | 051 | Econs; Govt., A/L Maths | Single Honours, Acct, BAF, PA, Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Mass Com., Econs |
52. | 052 | Econs, Govt., Sociology | Econs, Single Honours, Acct, BAF, PA, Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Mass Com., Econs, Sociology. |
53. | 053 | French, Govt., CRS | Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin. |
54. | 054 | French, Govt., IS | Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin. |
55. | 055 | French, Lit., Hausa | Single Honours, Law, MC |
56. | 056 | French, Hist., CRS | Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Archeology |
57 | 057 | French, Hist., IRS | Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Archeology |
58. | 058 | French, Hist., Lit | Single Honours, Pol. Sc., Inter. Studies, Public Admin., Law, MC, Archeology |
59. | 059 | Geog., Govt., A/L Maths | Envl. Sc., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Geog., Public Admin. |
60. | 060 | Geog., Govt., Sociology | URP, Sociology, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Geog., Inter Studies |
61. | 061 | Geog., Hist., Sociology | Single Honours, Sociology, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies |
62. | 062 | Geog., Physics, A/L Maths | Single Honours, Envl. Sc., Engr. (Not Chemical Engr), Comp. Sc. |
63 | 063. | Geol., Physics, A/L Maths | Single Honours, Envl. Sc., Engr., Archeology(Ibadan), Comp. Sc. |
64. | 064 | Govt., Hausa, IS | Single Honours, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies |
65. | 065 | Govt., IS., Lit | Single Honours, Archeology, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Law, MC |
66. | 066 | Hausa, Hist., Lit. | Single Honours, Archeology, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Law, MC |
67. | 067 | Hausa, IS, Hist. | Single Honours,, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies |
68. | 068 | Hausa, IS, Lit | Single Honours, Law |
69. | 069 | Hist., IS., Lit. | Single Honours, Archeology, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, Law, MC |
70. | 070 | Sociology, Arabic, Lit | Single Honours, Law, MC |
71. | 071 | Sociology, French, Lit | Single Honours, Law, MC |
72. | 072 | Sociology, Hausa, Lit | Single Honours, Law, MC |
73. | 073 | Sociology, Yoruba, Lit | Single Honours, LLB Law,B. Sc. Sociology |
74. | 074 | Yoruba, French, CRS | Single Honours |
75. | 075 | Yoruba, French, IS | Single Honours |
76. | 076 | Yoruba, CRS, Govt. | Single Honours,, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies |
77. | 077 | Yoruba, CRS, Lit. | Single Honours |
78. | 078 | Yoruba, Govt., Lit | Single Honours,, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, MC |
79. | 079 | Yoruba, IS, Lit. | Single Honours, Law |
80. | 080 | Yoruba, IS, Govt. | Single Honours,, Public Admin., Pol. Sc., Inter Studies, MC |
IJMB Requirements And Cost
Applicants must pass five subjects at credit level at not more than two sittings in the SSCE/GCE organized by WAEC, NECO, NABTEB and should include the major subjects of study. Candidates who are expecting the release of their ‘O’ level results CAN also apply by indicating their “Awaiting Result” status appropriately ONLINE.
The programme is for a duration of 9 months divided into two semesters (c) Eligibility: IJMB programme is open to all interested candidates nationwide. The venue of the programme depends on the candidates choice, all interested IJMB Applicants are expected to choose from our various study centres nationwide, the centre they wish to do the programme during their online registration, based on the Study Centre Availability at the time of registration. So therefore earlier registration is advisable.
REGISTRATION FORM | ₦10,000 | ₦10,000 | ₦10,000 |
ACCEPTANCE FEES | ₦30,000 | ₦30,000 | ₦30,000 |
TUITION FEES | ₦150,000 | ₦180,000 | ₦100,000 |
Candidates are allowed to Pay the School Fees in Two Installments Within 4 months. Students may choose to stay on campus or off-campus at will. Hostel Facilities are available for all students.
IJMB Academic Calendar
IJMB calendar starts by November every year and it ends by April for the registration of the following year. By March, while the registration is still going on, the lectures for the session will start, which is usually within the mid of March and early April.
IJMB Registration Steps
To secure direct admission into 200 Level in various universities in Nigeria via the IJMB programme, proceed thus;
Filling of Online IJMB Preregistration Form
you are to fill the online IJMB Pre-Registration form (Candidates are advised to use Capital Letters when filling the IJMB form). Click Here To Fill IJMB Pre-Registration Form
Log In to Complete IJMB Registration
After Successfully filling the IJMB preregistration form, You are to log in with your email and Password to Complete your IJMB Registration. Click here to log into your IJMB portal
Payment of Registration Fee
- Candidates are supposed to pay the sum of N5,000 (Five Thousand Naira only).
- Account Name: Great AODAC Global Network Limited
- Account Number: 0020732244
- Bank Name: Access Bank Plc.
- Amount: N5,000
It should be noted that Brainfill Academy also has a dedicated application page for IJMB registration.
Universities Accepting IJMB
Both private and federal State Universities in Nigeria accept the IJMB. Below is the list of different universities that accept IJMB without issues.
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi | Abia State University, Uturu. | Achievers University, Owo | |
Ahmandu Bello University, Zaria | Adamawa State University, Mubi | Adeleke University, Ede | |
Bayero University, Kano | Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba | Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti,Ekiti State | |
Federal University, Gashau | Akwa Ibom State University Of Technology, Uyo | African University Science & Technology, Abuja | |
Federal University Of Petroleum Resources, Effurun | Anambra State University Of Science & Technolgy, Uli | Ajayi Crowther University, Ibadan | |
Federal University Of Technology, Akure | Bauchi State University, Gaudau | Al Hikmah University, Ilorin | |
Federal University Of Technology, Minna | Benue State University, Makurdi | American University Of Nigerian, Yola | |
Federal University, Duste, Jigwa State | Bakar Abba Ibrahim University, Damaturu | Babcock University, Ilishn Remo | |
Federal University, Dustin – Ma, Kastina | Cross River State University Of Science & Technology, Calabar | Baze University | |
Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State | Delta State University, Abraka | Benson Idahosa University, Benin City | |
Federal University , Lafia, Nasarawa State | Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki | Bingham University, New Karu | |
Federal University, Lokoja, Kogi State | Ekiti State University | Bowen University, Iwo | |
Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa | Enugu State University Of Science And Technology, Enugu | Caleb University, Lagos | |
Federal University, Oye – Ekiti, Ekiti State | Gombe State University, Gombe | Caritas University, Enugu | |
Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State | Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapia | CETEP City University, Lagos | |
Federal University, Binin Kebbi. | Ignatius Ajuru University Of Education, Rumuolumeni | Covenant University, Ota | |
Federal University, Gusua. | Imo State University,owerri | Crawford University Igbesa | |
Modibbo Adama University Of Technology, Yola | Kaduna State University, Kaduna | Crescent University | |
National Open University Of Nigeria | Kano University Of Science & Technology, Wudil | Elizade University, Ilara Mokin | |
Nnamdi Azikwe University, Awka | Kebbi State University, Kebbi | Evangel University, Akaeze ountain University, Osogbo | |
University Of Abuja, Gwagwalada | Kogi Stae University, Anyigba | Godfrey Okoye University, Ugwuomu Nike,Enugu State | |
Federal University Of Agriculture, Abeokuta | Kwara State University, Ilorin | Gregory University, Uturu | |
University Of Agriculture, Makurdi | Ladoke Akintola University Of Technology, Ogbomoso | Igbinedion University Okada | |
University Of Benin | Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos | Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji – Arakeji | |
University Of Calabar | Nasarawa State University, Keffi | Kastina University, Kastina | |
University Of Ibadan | Niger Delta University, Yenagoa | Landmark University, Omu – Aran | |
University Of Ilorin | Northwest University, Kano | Lead City University, Ibadan | |
University Of Jos | Umaru Musa Yar’ Adua University, Kastina | Madonna University, Okija | |
University Of Maiduguri | Ondo State University Of Science & Technology, Okitipupa | Macpherson University, Seriki Sotaya, Ajebo | |
University Of Uyo | Osun State Univer, Oshogbo | Nigerian Turkish Nile University, Abuja | |
Plateau State University, Bokkos | Novena University, Ogume | ||
River State University Of Science & Technology | Obong University, Ipetumodu, Osun State | ||
Sokoto State University, Sokoto | Pan African University, Lagos | ||
Tai Solarin Univ. Of Education, Ijebu – Ode | Paul University Awka anambra State | ||
Taraba State University, Jalingo | Redeemer’s Universiy, Mowe | ||
Technical University, Ibadan | Renaissance University, Enugu | ||
Rhema University, Obeama Asa Rivers State | |||
Salem University, Lokoja | |||
Samuel Adegboyega University, Ogwa | |||
Southwestern University, Oku Owa | |||
Tansian University, Umuya | |||
University Of Mkar, Mkar | |||
Veritas University | |||
Wellspring University, Evbuobanosa Edo State | |||
Wesley Univ. Of Science & Tech., Ondo | |||
Western Delta University, Oghara | |||
Wukari Jubilee University, Wukari |