The IEB Final Matric Exam Timetable For 2022 The IEB Final Matric Exam Timetable For 2022. The Independent Examinations Board (IEB) has recently released the 2022 final matric examinations timetable. Here are the dates that learners should take note of.

According to the South African independent assessment agency, the exams will run the course of 11 weeks, which kicks off on 13 September 2022 and learners will conclude their exams on 29 November 2022.

It was reported that the IEB matric class of 2021 consisted of 12 857 full-time and 968 part-time candidates from 238 examination centres writing in 267 venues between October and November across the country.

In a statement, the IEB said:

A period of ten minutes before the official commencement of the examination will be allowed for reading time over and above the reading of any other instructions that may be necessary. 

The first subject that the learners will be sitting for is Life Orientation CAT Part B from 09:00–11:00. 

During this eleven-week period, there is a religious holiday, i.e. Diwali on 24 October 2022. On this day, learners will be sitting for their Agricultural Management Practice, Electrical Technology and Mechanical Technology, all three subjects will be written from 09:00–12:00.

The IEB NSC examination papers and marking guidelines for the previous 5 years are made available as a study aid for learners. However, these guidelines do not reflect the full range of acceptable and partially acceptable answers that must be applied during the marking session for the exam.


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