How to check the Matric Rewrite Results 2022 –

How to check the Matric Rewrite Results 2022 – The first matric rewrite exam was written back on May the 09th 2022 with a total of 290 682 candidates which included both National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate candidates. 

There has been a slight increase in the number of candidates, compared to the 239 024 candidates who sat for this exam in 2021. It has been confirmed that exam results for this cohort will soon be released. 

The National Senior Certificate candidates included those who wrote the NSC in 2021 and in previous years but were not able to obtain the necessary requirements of the qualification. Whereas, Senior Certificate candidates included adults over the age of 21 who have completed a minimum of Grade 7 or Level 4. 

The department thanked everyone involved in ensuring that the exams were properly executed and that marking also ran smoothly. 

Dr Rufus Poliah, Chief Director of the National Assessments and Examinations, stated “I want to extend my sincere appreciation to all our colleagues who work beyond the normal call of duty both at the provincial level as well as our colleagues at DBE to make sure that question papers are delivered on time and to make sure that the scripts are collected on time. Post the administration of the exam we then start with the marking and here again all officials rally together and make sure that the marking will be successfully completed “.

Matric Rewrite Results 2022 South Africa: when and how to check?

Have you rewritten your matric exams and nervously awaiting your results? Well, wait no longer. Here is when the matric rewrite results will be released.

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) will be releasing the results for the May/June Matric exams on 3 August 2022. The department stated that these exams, which concluded last month, went smoothly with very few interruptions.

How to check?

In June, National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Senior Certificate (SC) candidates across the country sat for the mid-year matric rewrite examinations. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has released the date on which exam results will be made available.

Once the results are available, you will be able to check your result here by clicking on the ‘Matric Result‘ button below :


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