GCE online registration 2021 in Cameroon

The GCE online registration in Cameroon has made things pretty stress-free for students. Back in the days when the registration process was manual, normal registration centers were always crowded.

The GCE online registration process has made things less stressful for both agents of the GCE Registration centers and students. This new method of e-registrations has been highly applauded by both parents and students, given that, it eases the registration process and cuts off certain ghost costs usually inflated by “long throat” administrators in the registration centers.

It equally helps avoid loss of data and certain nuances since everything can be tracked through an online database globally.

The GCE examination is written at two levels (GCE Ordinary level written at form five and GCE Advanced Level written at Upper Sixth).

Also, the Cameroon GCE Board has both GCE Technical (for technical students) and GCE General (for general education).

Performing the Cameroon GCE online registration 2021

About the Cameroon GCE Board

After the Cameroonisation of the London GCE in 1977, things went on smoothly until 1984. From 1984 onwards, the GCE began experiencing irregularities as some London officials began withdrawing. Beginning from 1990, when the University of London Examination and Assessment Council withdrew completely from the role it had played so far on the Cameroon GCE, the irregularities became even more alarming. Some of these irregularities included,

  • The used of GCE questions reserved for future sessions for Entrance Examinations into ENS in 1990,
  • Change of the format of the GCE question papers in 1991 without prior notice to candidates, poor printing,
  • Wrong pagination,
  • Wrong spellings,
  • Shortage of question papers and materials,
  • Late arrival of question papers and the postponement of some papers,
  • Wrong instructions on question papers and examination leakages.

In response to this popular demand, the Prime Minister of the Republic signed an order (Nº: 194/CAB/PM of 11th September 1992) creating a Technical Committee to carry out studies and make recommendations on the organization and functioning of the GCE Examination Board.

Before you start, as a canditate, you are expected to have read all instructions with respect to the eligibility and the procedure to be followed in order to do the Online Registration correctly

Now to register for the Cameroon GCE, you will have to;

  1. Fill in your details on the online software which will be made available by the GCE Board within the period of registration
  2. Using the Mobile Money service to make the payments (Registration fees and subject fees)
  3. Submission of registration files.

What to note

  • Registration for the 2021 session of the Cameroon GCE exams has not yet begone
  • For Ordinary level students, you can go in for a minimum of subjects without excluding English Language, French Lanaguage and Mathematics.
  • As for Advanced level candidates, you can go in for a minimum of 2 subjects.

GCE online registration 2021 fees

Every eleigible GCE candidate pays a certain amount of money for his or here online registration. The amount payed by each candidate will depend on the class and the numbers of subjects the candidate is sitting for.

The registration fee is fixed for the different levels but the subject fees will make the difference in the overall fee a candidate pays.

  • Advanced level candidates will all pay the sum of 9,000 CFA as registration fee
  • Wheras, Ordinary level candidates pay a sum of 8,000 CFA as registration fee.

Now for the subject fees, it varies with respect to the level the candidate is;

  • Advanced level candidates pay 2,000 CFA per subject
  • Ordianry level candidates pay 1,000 CFA per subject.

And finally, for the science students, they will pay and extra for practical. The practical fee is 5, 000 CFA per practical session. Meaning you will pay a total of 15, 000 CFA if you are offering 3 subjects that have a practical session.


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