GCE 2022: Technical and Vocational Education Intermediate Level results 2022. When will the TVEE Intermediate Level results for the 2022 session be released? Cameroon GCE 2022 Results: When will the list of successful candidates be released? The month of August is here and it is usually during this month the GCE Results are proclaimed over the National Radio station.
Students have their figures crossed as they wait for the results release date. That said, many are already feeling unrest as to knowing the exact exam release date. So, when will this be? When can candidates check their Cameroon TVEE A-Level and IL results online? Continue reading this article to find out.
The Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board releases the results of successful candidates each year after the marking and grading have been done by the board. At the end of the year’s written session, the scripts are transferred from the “save” of each accommodation centre to the GCE Board in Buea, Molyko.
The GCE Board selects the best teachers from each school to take part in the marking. Usually, old and experienced teachers are mostly selected to ensure they do a perfect job with the marking (including teachers who did moderation of questions).
The GCE Board also recruits part-time secretariat workers (trustworthy individuals) who flap-fold and code the scripts (this is to prevent markers from identifying either the name of a candidate or the centre number). Hence, it’s impossible for an examiner to favour a particular candidate he or she knows. The secretariat members also erase marks made on the Scripts.
TVEE Intermediate Level results 2022: Press Communiqué Releasing the GCE 2022 results
The Registrar of the GCE Board will normally inform the general public and especially candidates of the 2022 Examinations organized by the Board when the exam results have been released. Candidates will be able to verify their results at the centres where they registered for the examination. In addition, the Results will be available on Edukamer.info or the GCE Board website for download. Candidates’ results slips are already available at their registration centres.
Results are usually published for the following Examinations:
- GCE Advanced Level.
- GCE Ordinary Level.
- Technical and Vocational Education Advanced Level.
- Technical and Vocational Education Intermediate Level.
This Press Communique will also carry the following information:
- the overall performance of candidates in the 2022 examinations,
- major highlights of the results,
- malpractices,
- future perspectives for the development of examinations organized by the Board,
- a note of appreciation to all partners and collaborators,
- the detailed results of candidates,
GCE 2022 Results: The grading system of Ordinary and Advanced Level in the Cameroon GCE
Letter grades are used and below is the grading system used by the Cameroon GCE board for the examinations it administers at the GCE Technical and General Education at Ordinary Level, Advanced Level, ITC, and ATC:
- GCE O Level and ITC Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, U
Letter grades A, B, and C represent a passing grade, with the A grade being the highest and the C grade being the lowest, and U (unclassified) representing a fail. Grades lower than C are not stated on the certificate.
The Ordinary level has 3(three) pass grades gotten after the marks for papers 1 and 2 have been combined together. They are; A, B, and C. The total mark is always on 100 (paper 1, 40% and paper 2, 60 %). The marks for the different grades are seen below:
A grade = 75-100
B grade = 65-75
C grade = 50-65
The failed grades for the Ordinary level are D, E, and U. In years when the performances are generally very poor for a particular subject, Chief Examiners after a serious deliberation may decide to go as low as taking 45 points as a pass under C grade but will however apply only for that particular subject. Note should be taken that it will apply only for that particular examination session. Thus it doesn’t guarantee that 45 % will be taken as a C grade pass in subsequent years.
Grades also have points as follows; A = 3 points, B = 2 points and C = 1 point. Since not more than 11 papers can be registered in the GCE Ordinary Level, the highest number of points a candidate can score is 33 (if the candidate scored A grades in all the subjects he or she registered). There are usually prizes given to such candidates from the Ministry and even from their various schools.
- GCE A Level and ATC Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, O, or F
Letter grades A, B, C, D, and E represent a passing grade, with the A grade being the highest and the E grade being the lowest. An F (fail) is not a passing grade and is not stated on the certificate
The Advanced level unlike the Ordinary level has 5 (five) passed grades; A, B, C, D, and E. This is done after the marks for Paper 1, 2, and 3 have been combined. It shows how both examinations vary. Marks for the A level are also graded on a 100. The marks for the grades are seen below;
A grade = 75-100
B grade = 70-75
C grade = 65-70
D grade = 60-65
E grade = 50-60
There is also a complimentary grade O to compensate candidates who almost scored a 50% for that particular subject (45-49%). This is to show that the candidate almost made it and the difference is a matter of a few points. But the compensatory grade O is still a failed grade. Apart from O, there is F which is also a failed grade at the GCE Advanced Level.
Just like what happens at the Ordinary levels, the marks for the last passing grade can be changed if the general results that year for that particular subject are very poor. Instead of 50 points, the Chief examiners for that subject after deliberation may decide to approve 45 points as an E grade pass. The mark for compensation will be 40 in such a situation.
NB: This exception can only be done if all or most of the candidates who took the examination did not perform well in that particular subject. Nevertheless, it will only apply for that particular year or session.
While the Ordinary level has 3 as the highest point, the Advanced level has up to 5 points. The points are given depending on the grade scored- A = 5 points, B = 4 points, C = 3 points, D = 2 points and E = 1 point. The highest number of papers a candidate can register in the Advanced level is 5, thus the highest point earned is 25.
Note: What we have below is still the results for the June 2022 session of the Cameroon GCE. The GCE Results 2022 Cameroon June shall be expected to be released between the 9th to 12th of August 2022.
GCE 2022: Technical and Vocational Education Intermediate Level results 2022

By the time we are writing this article, no official date for the release of the GCE 2022 results by the Cameroon GCE Board has been made public yet. But what still remains a sure fact is that the exam results will be proclaimed this year.
Last year, the GCE 2021 results were made public on the 21st of the month of August with the following overall performance;
Examinations | Reg | Sat | Absent | Pass | Fail | % Pass |
GCE Ordinary Level | 93610 | 80205 | 868 | 47386 | 32819 | 59.08 |
GCE Advanced Level | 55579 | 54411 | 775 | 33702 | 20709 | 61.94 |
TVEE Intermediate Level | 13238 | 12704 | 115 | 7471 | 5233 | 58.81 |
TVEE Advanced Level | 7996 | 7829 | 99 | 5605 | 2224 | 71.59 |