Cameroon GCE O Level French paper 1 June 2018

GCE O Level French paper 1 June 2018 questions 31 to 50 continues below.

31. Marie, je l’ai……………….. hier.
A:  rencontée
B:  rencontrer
C:  rencontré
D: renconté

32. Mon frère est allé chercher du pain à……….
A:  la a buanderie
B:  la boucherie
C:  la boulangerie
D:  l’épicerie

33. Mon père travaille toujours………………
A:  enchantant
B:  en chanson
C:  chantant
D:  en chantant

34. Après……… toute la journée, elles sont rentrées à la maison épuisées.
A:  avoir travaillé
B:  être travaillée
C:  avoir travaillées
D: avoir travailler

35. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.

Ils se sont donné rendez-vous à la sortie des classes.
A:  A la fin
B:  Au début
C:  A l’entrée
D:  Enfin

36.  « Avoir le cœur sur la main. » could be translated as:
A:  To have the heart in the hand
B:  To have a strong heart
C:  To be open-handed.
D:  To direct the hand towards the heart.

37.  Les élèves sont arrivés _____ le professeur était déjà là.
A:  Quand
B:  et
C:  où
D:  quoique

38. La fille ______ tu parles n’est pas sérieuse.
A:  donc
B:  dont
C:  qui
D:  que

39. “A hungry man is an angry man.” could be translated as:
A:  Un homme affamé est en colère
B:  Un homme affamé est fâché.
C:  L’homme qui a faim est mécontent
D:  réussite

40. J’ai donné le cahier à Marie. Je _____ ai donné.
A:  le lui
B:  lui le
C:  la lui
D:  la l’

Read the following passage. Questions 41 to 50 are based on it

Monsieur Mba est arrivé à la gare routière à vingt heures et quart et il est monté dans un bus. L’endroit bouillonnait déjà d’un grand monde: jeunes, vieux, revendeuses et hommes en tenue se bousculaient. Il a cherché son siège et s’est assis. Tout autour de lui, les gens causaient et tout le monde avait l’air content. C’était bien intéressant! A deux sièges devant lui, il y avait un jeune homme aux cheveux très longs. Quand Monsieur Mba l’a regardé de près, il a remarqué qu’il lisait un journal. Il riait et secouait la tête comme pour attirer l’attention des autres voyageurs.

41. ” Where did Mr Mba go to?
A:  The market
B:  The railway station
C:  The motor park
D:  The station

42. When did he arrive there?
A:  At quarter to 8 p.m
B:  At quarter past 8 p.m
C:  At quarter past 8 a.m
D:  At a quarter to 20 hours.

43. Who were those in the crowd?
A:  A Youths, old age, truck pushers and military men
B:  Youths, old age, market women and park boys
C:  Youths, old people, market women and military men                                                         D:  Youths, women, gentlmen and soldiers

44. What were they doing?
They were fighting?
They were pushing each other.
They were shouting at one another
They were quarreling

45. What did Mr Mba do?
A:  He looked for his sit and sat down
B:  He looked for his seed and sat down.
C:  He asked for a seat and sat down.
D:  He looked for his seat and sat down

46. Say what was going on around him
A:  People were chatting
B:  People were making noise
C:  People were looking for their seats
D:  People were laughing

47. How did everybody look?
A:  They were chatting.
B:  They looked happy
C:  They were looking for their seats
D:  They were making noise

48. Where was the young man sitting?
A:  Two seats by him.
B:  Two seats behind him.
C:  Two seats to him.
D:  Two seats in front of him.

49. What did Mr. Mba notice?
A:  That the young man was reading the news
B:  That the young man was reading a journal
C:  That the young man was reading a newsletter
D:  That the young man was reading a newspaper

50. Why could it be said that the young man was seeking for notice?
A:  He was laughing and shaking his head.
B:  He was smiling and holding his head.
C:  He was laughing and hitting his head
D:  He was smiling while reading.


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