Cameroon GCE O-Level French paper 2 past question 2018

Cameroon GCE O-Level French paper 2 past question 2018. 2018 O/L French paper 2, Ordinary level French ast paper 2018.

Use this past question paper to get yourself familiar with the way the ordinary level French paper 2 looks like.

You will find more past GCE papers for French language here

French 2 (0545) June 2018

General Certificate of Education Examination

One and a half hours

Answer both questions beginning each answer on a new page in the answer booklet. Both answers carry equal marks.
Credit will be given for accuracy, correct use of a variety of expressions, verbs, vocabulary, and idioms.
Use blue ink only.
You are reminded of the necessity for an orderly presentation of your answers.


Moussa was a shepherd. He lived near a big river. On market days, he would take his goats and other products to the market. He usually crossed the river by canoe.

One day, he had to go to the market as usual. It was during the rainy season and it was raining heavily. Therefore, it was not easy to cross. However, he needed money to feed his family. So, he decided to seek the help of his friend, Mba. The latter was a good swimmer.

They loaded the goats into a canoe and set off immediately. But when they got to the middle of the river, the canoe capsized. Frightened, Moussa screamed:

“I’m finished! Mba, tell my wife and children that I love them.”
“Don’t worry,” Mba replied. “I will take you to the other side.’’
He took Moussa’s hand and they swam out of the river…

QUESTION 2: ESSAY (80 marks)

Using a tense suitable to your chosen topic, write an essay in French, of at least 140 and not more than 150 words, (not counting figures, words in brackets, abbreviations, and names of people or places) on ONE of the following topics.

Credit will be given for the correct use of a variety of expressions, verbs, vocabulary, and idioms.
If you choose a topic (c), your essay must be, based on, the events, in the picture.

Off-topic material will earn no marks.

(a) Votre camarade vient de vous informer qu’il souffre du SIDA.
Faites part de votre rencontre et dites quels conseils vous lui avez donnés.

(b) Vous avez participé à une cérémonie culturelle.
Dites ce qui s’est passé.

(c) Racontez une histoire à partir des images ci-après.


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GCE O-Level French paper 2 past question 2018
GCE O-Level French paper 2 past question 2018
GCE O-Level French paper 2 past question 2018

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