Structure of the Technical and Vocational Education Examinations

The Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) Examinations in Cameroon is divided into the TVE Intermediate Level or simply TVE Itermediate Levl or still, TVE IL and the TVE Advanced level.

This is written by technical students and it is also one of the main exams written in Cameroon under the supervision of the Cameroon GCE Board.

Structure of the Technical and Vocational Education Examinations

Professional SubjectsProfessional Subject 1

Professional Subject 2

Professional Subject 3

Professional Subject 4



Related Professional SubjectsOther Professional Subject 1

Other Professional Subject 2

Other Professional Subject 3

Computer Science/ICT/Language and Organisational Communication/Entrepreneurship




Structure of Subject

Candidates for the Technical and Vocational Examinations at the Advanced Level would be required to choose at least six (6) subjects and at most eight (8) subjects: three Professional and at least three (3) Related Professional Subjects.

Each Specialty Subject shall have three (3) papers:

  • Paper 1 – MCQ (1 ½ hr)
  • Paper 2 – Problem Solving or Essay (at most 3 hrs)
  • Paper 3 – Practical (at most 4hrs)

NB: Internship is part of Paper 3 of one of the Professional Subjects will be decided by the Panel.

Pass/Fail Conditions

  1. To obtain a pass in the Technical and Vocational Education Examinations at the Advanced Level, the candidate must pass in at least TWO (2) Professional subjects and TWO (2) Related Professional Subjects.
  2. A candidate who is absent in a Paper of any of the Professional Subjects will not be given a pass in the Specialty.
  3. A candidate could pass in single subjects even when they do not meet the pass condition for the specialty.

The Examinations Executive Committee (EEC) of the GCE Board is the organ that approves the grade boundaries for each subject and validates the results.

Method and Procedure of Validating Results

Each Specialty Subject shall have three (3) papers:

  • Paper 1 – MCQ (1 ½ hr)
  • Paper 2 – Problem Solving or Essay (at most 3 hrs)
  • Paper 3 – Practical (at most 4hrs)

NB: Internship is part of Paper 3 of one of the Professional Subjects will be decided by the Panel.

Registration conditions

Candidates who want to register for the Technical and Vocational Education Examinations at Advanced Level should:

  • Be holder of CAP, BEPC, and GCE O-Level or its equivalence. In addition to these requirements, the candidate must show proof of promotion to Upper Sixth (from a Class Council decision).
  • Have passed the Probatoire Technicique or Probatoire de Brevet de Technicien Examination.

Registration fees.

Registration fees shall take the form that obtains in the GCE Ordinary and Advanced level respectively as outline below.

Intermediate LevelRegistration Fee

Subject Fee

Subject Practical Fee
8,000 F

1,000 F

5,000 F
Advanced LevelRegistration Fee

Subject Fee

Subject Practical Fee
9,000 F

2,000 F

5,000 F

NB: Practical fee is paid per Practical Subject.

TVEE AL Commercial Specialties / Subjects.

7005Financial Accounting/Computer Aided AccountingProfessional SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
7010Cost and Management AccountingProfessional SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
7015Corporate AccountingProfessional SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
725EconomicsRelated SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
7020Business MathematicsRelated SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
7025Business ManagementRelated SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
7030Commerce and FinanceRelated SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
770Pure Mathematics With StatisticsPool SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
785Religious StudiesPool SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
795Computer SciencePool SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
796Information and Communication TechnologyPool SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
7055EntrepreneurshipPool SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
7075PhilosophyPool SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
7105Professional English (Language and Organisational Communication)Pool SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
7110LawPool SubjectsAccountingACC (CG)
7035Catering Management & DieteticsProfessional SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
7040Resource Management on Home Studies and Social LifeProfessional SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
7045Family Life Education and GerontologyProfessional SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
7050Natural ScienceRelated SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
7055EntrepreneurshipRelated SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
7105Professional English (Language and Organisational Communication)Related SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
725EconomicsPool SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
770Pure Mathematics With StatisticsPool SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
785Religious StudiesPool SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
795Computer SciencePool SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
796Information and Communication TechnologyPool SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
7030Commerce and FinancePool SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
7075PhilosophyPool SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
7110LawPool SubjectsHome EconomicsHEC (ESF)
7060Professional Marketing PracticeProfessional SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
7065Marketing SkillsProfessional SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
7070Digital Marketing PracticeProfessional SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
725EconomicsRelated SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
7020Business MathematicsRelated SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
7025Business ManagementRelated SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
7030Commerce and FinanceRelated SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
770Pure Mathematics With StatisticsPool SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
785Religious StudiesPool SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
795Computer SciencePool SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
796Information and Communication TechnologyPool SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
7055EntrepreneurshipPool SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
7075PhilosophyPool SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
7105Professional English (Language and Organisational Communication)Pool SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
7110LawPool SubjectsMarketingMKT (ACC)
7090Organisation of Administrative Works and Technology (Filing and Office Equipment)Professional SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
7095Professional Communication SkillsProfessional SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
7100Information ProcessingProfessional SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
796Information and Communication TechnologyRelated SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
7105Professional English (Language and Organisational Communication)Related SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
7110LawRelated SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
725EconomicsPool SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
770Pure Mathematics With StatisticsPool SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
785Religious StudiesPool SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
795Computer SciencePool SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
7030Commerce and FinancePool SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
7055EntrepreneurshipPool SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
7075PhilosophyPool SubjectsSecretarial Administration and CommunicationSAC (ACA)
7005Financial Accounting/Computer Aided AccountingProfessional SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
7115Principles and Practice of TaxationProfessional SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
7120Information Management Systems for BusinessProfessional SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
725EconomicsRelated SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
7020Business MathematicsRelated SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
7025Business ManagementRelated SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
7030Commerce and FinanceRelated SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
7055EntrepreneurshipRelated SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
770Pure Mathematics With StatisticsPool SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
785Religious StudiesPool SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
795Computer SciencePool SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
796Information and Communication TechnologyPool SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
7075PhilosophyPool SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
7105Professional English (Language and Organisational Communication)Pool SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)
7110LawPool SubjectsTaxation and Information Management SystemsTIMS (FIG)


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