Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. The big question people usually ask is “Can we fight baldness or Alopecia?”
Baldness is a predominantly male phenomenon. It is characterized by progressive hair loss, generally beginning with the forehead or the top of the skull. It is linked to an excess of male hormones, and androgens. Hair loss appears on average between the ages of 20 and 35 but can start later. The warning signs are profuse hair loss, with the gradual clearing of the forehead, top of the temples or top of the head. Hence the importance of choosing good care for your hair to slow down this phenomenon. For some men, the loss of their hair really hurts their morale. They have difficulty living with their baldness and also fear that their sex appeal will take a hit. What are the causes of baldness? Are there any miracle solutions?
What are the causes of baldness?
The main cause of baldness is an excess of male hormones: the fault of androgens, therefore! This excess is hereditary: if your father is bald, you will have a good chance of being so. In fact, male hormones will accelerate the hair’s life cycle, making it fall faster. Other causes may come into play. Thus, permanent stress or prolonged anxiety can promote hair loss .. An unbalanced diet, deficient in certain vitamins can also be the cause.
Also, beware of shampoos that are too aggressive for the scalp. In addition, certain medications can also cause significant hair loss (amphetamines, anticoagulants, etc.). Baldness evolves in stages, Doctor Hamilton has determined a classification of the state of progress of alopecia in 7 stages:
- Stage 1: hair grows normally.
- Stage 2: a beginning of baldness appears on the front part of the scalp.
- Stage 3: the gulfs widen
- Stage 4: for some the baldness goes up to the tip of the skull (vertex), for others the hair leaves en masse and reaches the forelock.
- Stage 5: baldness is clearly established and there is more area without hair than an area with hair.
- Stage 6: The top of the skull is completely smooth, only the sides of the head still have hair. Baldness gives an appearance of tonsure;
- Stage 7: The baldness is definitely installed and there is almost no hair except the low crowns.
Solutions against baldness?
Treatments for baldness of course depend on the cause. When hair loss is due to an external agent (medication, vitamin deficiency, poor lifestyle…), it will be more easily resolved. On the other hand, when baldness is due to an excess of hormones, it is necessary to call upon specific techniques, drugs, products anti-fall or transplants.
If you are only at the beginning of alopecia, certain precautions may allow you to limit hair loss. The first is to use a mild shampoo that is not very aggressive for the scalp. It is also advisable to perform cranial massages to stimulate the scalp. You can also try a special baldness shampoo to limit hair loss. We probably repeat ourselves but the health of the hair also goes on the plate! Thus it has been observed that too fatty a diet would promote baldness.
Conversely, a balanced diet will meet their needs for iron, copper, zinc, silicon and vitamins. To compensate for the lack of minerals, certain dietary supplements can strengthen hair and slow down hair loss.
If the causes of your baldness are hereditary, know that there is no cure for baldness. There is no real treatment. In most cases, this is to slow hair loss or promote eventual regrowth. It is therefore more appropriate to speak of “solutions” than of treatments. The most radical solution against alopecia and hair transplantation. Very expensive and time-consuming, the surgery involves implanting stem cells from pieces of healthy hair into the scalp.
It is estimated that baldness affects more than 10 million people in France, almost 2 out of 3 men… 30% of men have alopecia at 30, 50% at 50 and 80% at 70. Don’t worry, you are far from being the only one concerned! If some assume it, for others it is a real ordeal often the cause of discomfort and a loss of self-confidence. Unfortunately for the moment, there is no effective treatment in the sense of healing. The only permanent solution is a hair transplant.
But to benefit from a hair transplant, you still need to have some hair left. It is therefore important to establish a diagnosis as soon as possible. The easiest way is therefore to assume, for the bravest you can even take your razor and shave everything! For others, promote a healthy lifestyle, and choose good products for the maintenance of your hair. Gentle products that do not attack your scalp and hair to limit hair loss.