Grade 7 ZIMSEC 2021 Examination Timetable

Download Grade 7 ZIMSEC 2021 Examination Timetable. The ZIMSEC Grade 7 Exam is written by pupils in the final year of primary education level.

The Zimbabwe School Examinations Council is an autonomous parastatal under the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture of the Republic of Zimbabwe, responsible for the administration of public examinations in Zimbabwean schools

Grade 7 ZIMSEC 2021 Examination Timetable Instructions

Please go through these instructions and the Examination Time-Table thoroughly before you
register for the Examination.
a) This Time-Table should not be varied or adjusted in order to accommodate any other
Examination(s) without the authority of ZIMSEC.

b) NO EXTRA TIME will be allowed beyond the time allocated for each component/paper.
A Special Consideration and Special Arrangement facility is available for candidates who
sit for Examinations under adverse conditions such as illness or bereavement in
accordance with Examination Regulations.

c) Examination dates and the duration of the Examination for each paper on this Time-Table
take precedence over all Examination dates and times/duration quoted elsewhere in any
other documents issued by ZIMSEC unless otherwise advised officially by the Council in
separate correspondence.

d) Candidates MUST register for ALL their Examinations in one Centre. ZIMSEC will not
approve any arrangements for candidates who wish to sit for their Examinations from
multiple Examination Centres.

e) Heads of Examination Centres are advised NOT to register Candidates beyond their
approved thresholds. Unregistered candidates SHOULD NOT present themselves for

f) It is MANDATORY for ALL PRIVATE candidates to present positive identification to the
Head of the Examination Centre before they are allowed to register for any Examination.

g) Examination Centre authorities and Invigilators are not allowed to bar candidates from
writing any Examination for any reasons other than stated in the ZIMSEC Examination
Regulations. Therefore, no Candidate should be barred from writing Examinations
because he/she has not paid school fees and levies. ALL registered candidates
whose Examination fees are fully paid have the right to write Examinations for all papers
they registered for.

h) Candidates should not abuse this provision in (g) above to violet school rules and
disrespect authorities. This Examination Time-Table DOES NOT suspend school rules
and discipline. Appropriate disciplinary actions shall be taken by the school and ZIMSEC
will not intervene if such disciplinary actions prejudice the candidate’s right to sit for
his/her Examinations. Be guided accordingly.

i) Mobile cellular phones, smart digital/cellular watches or clocks, spy glasses, spy pens
and any other electronic devices that can copy, store or process information are
STRICTLY prohibited from the Examination rooms. Invigilators are also not allowed to
bring these gadgets into the Examination rooms.
j) For time management, Centres SHOULD use clocks that are visible to every candidate
in the Examination room. All Examinations MUST begin and end as time-tabled without
variation, therefore, clocks used for time-management in the Examination rooms SHOULD
not be adjusted backwards or forward in violation of this requirement.

k) It is MANDATORY and every candidate’s right to check all question paper envelopes
before they are opened to ensure that no one has tampered with the question papers
before the Examination.
l) The collection and packing of scripts and the sealing of script envelope after the
Examination MUST be done in the Examination room(s) in full view and witnessed by all
candidates. Heads of Examination Centres SHOULD enforce this regulation.
m) Candidates and all individuals involved in the administration of Examinations are
encouraged to report to ZIMSEC or any authorized person(s) candidates, officials or
individuals who breach Examination Regulations.
n) Results for any candidate(s) who engage(s) in any form of cheating in the Examination
shall be CANCELLED and the candidate shall be prosecuted. ZIMSEC SHALL revoke the
Examination Centre status for any Centre that breaches ZIMSEC Examination
o) Any special requirements by any candidate should be communicated to ZIMSEC three (3)
months before the Examinations to enable the Council to consider Special Arrangements
for the candidate(s) in accordance with the regulations.


1. Arrive early for the Examination at all times. Any candidate who arrives 15 minutes
after the start of the Examination will not be allowed to write the Examination for the
subject for which they are late. All exceptional cases should be brought to the
attention of the Invigilator.

2. Be seated in the Examination Room five (5) minutes before the time for the start of the
Examinations. You are not allowed the leave the Examination room before the end of
the period allotted to the paper except by special permission of the Invigilator.

3. If an examination paper for a subject you are not registered to write is handed to you
or you have not received materials required for you to be able to write the Examination,
alert the Invigilator immediately.

4. Follow all instructions given on the question paper carefully, e.g. instructions limiting
the number of questions that may be answered.

5. Write your index-number clearly on the top-right hand corner of all your answer
sheets. Your name and the name of the subject as well as your index number MUST
be written on all your answer sheets.
6. Write on both sides of your answer sheets. Leave margins on the left hand and right
hand sides of your answer sheets for official use.

7. Do not fold your answer sheets at any time. Before you hand in your answer sheets
over to the Invigilator, make sure they are arranged in the correct sequence and that
they are neatly fastened together.

8. Write the number of the question clearly on the left-hand margin at the beginning of
each answer. Be careful to use the same system of numbering as appears in the
question paper.

9. Write clearly using blue or black ink. Do not use red or green ink. For multiple choice
tests use H or HB pencils only.

Cheating in Examinations is a serious offence. Any candidate(s) caught cheating will be
disqualified from writing the Examination and any future ZIMSEC Examinations.
Candidates are advised against the following:
Copying from each other including peeping other candidates work in order
to copy answers.
Communicating in the Examination room.
Receiving assistance with answers from Invigilators or other candidates.
Bringing textbooks, written notes, or any written materials intended to assist
them in the Examinations.
Invigilators and school authorities are warned against assisting candidates with answers
during Examinations.

Use the following Toll-Free numbers to report cheating and corruption before, during and after Examinations: Fraud & Ethics Hotline:

  1. Toll Free TelOne Lines: 0800 4100/4101 / 4103 / 4104 / 4105 / 4106 / 4151
  2. Toll Free NetOne Lines: 0716 800 189 / 0716 800 190
  3. Toll Free Econet Lines: 0808 4461 / 5500
  4. Toll Free Telecel Lines: 0732 220 220 / 0732 330 330
  5. ZIMSEC Whatsapp Numbers: 0712 737 759 or 0782745768
  6. Any queries relating to this Time-Table should be channeled to the following contacts: Direct Line +263 242 304 119

The Timetable

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