Forestry concours 2023-2024: Concours ENEF Mbalmayo 2022

Forestry concours 2023-2024: Concours ENEF Mbalmayo 2022. The Minister of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) brings to the attention of the public, the agents of his ministerial department, organizations and parastatals, companies and forestry enterprises, NGOs established in Cameroon and operating in component projects. forestry, and individuals wishing to train or improve their skills in forestry, that the selection tests for admission to the National School of Water and Forests of Mbalmayo, session 2021 will be organized on August 17, 18 and 18, 2022 in the following centres: Lycee General Leclere in Yaounde and the Ecole de Faune in Garoua for the following cycles and numbers:

Water and Forestry Technical Agents (ATEF)702505100
Water and Forest Technicians (TEF)702505100
Senior Water and Forest Technicians (TSEF)702505100

1- Concours ENEF 2022 Mbalmayo (Forestry concours 2023-2024) access conditions

The competition is open to any Cameroonian or foreign candidate of either sex fulfilling the following conditions:


1.1.1-Cycle of Technical Water and Forestry Agents (ATEF)

Hold a BEP C or GCE O/L in three subjects or an equivalent recognized diploma. Age required, 17 to 35 years old.

1.1.2 – Cycle of Water and Forest Technicians (TEF):

Hold a Probatoire (C, D, E), or a GCE A/L in at least one (1) scientific subject, a Probatoire Technique or a Technician’s Certificate in the Wood Industry or in Forestry (IB) , EF) or an equivalent recognized diploma. Age required, 17 to 35 years old.

1.1.3 Cycle of Senior Water and Forest Technicians (TSEF):

Hold a Baccalaureate (C, D, E), or a GCE A/L in at least two (2) scientific subjects, a Technical Baccalaureate or a Technician’s Certificate in the Wood Industry or Forest Exploitation (IB , EF) or a diploma recognized as equivalent. Age required, 17 to 35 years old.

1.2- INTERNAL CANDIDATES (Public officials and staff of the profession):

1.2.1- Cycle of Technical Agents for Water and Forests (ATEF):

Be a Deputy Technical Agent for Water and Forests (ATAEF) or a Deputy Technical Agent for Agriculture (ATAA) with at least two (02) years of professional experience. Be aged 45 at most on the date of the competition .

1.2.2-Cycle of Water and Forest Technicians (TEF): concours ENEF 2022

Hold a Water and Forestry Technical Agent (ATEF) or Agricultural Technical Agent (ATA) diploma or an equivalent diploma and have at least two (02) years of professional experience. Be aged 50 at most on the date of the competition .

1.2.3- Cycle of Senior Water and Forest Technicians (TSEF)

Be a Holder a Water and Forestry Technician (TEF) or Agriculture Technician (TA) diploma and have at least two (02) years of professional experience. Be aged 50 at most on the date of the competition .

1.3- FOREIGN CANDIDATES – conditions of access to the ENEF 2022 concours

Foreign candidates fulfilling the above conditions (curriculum and age) may be admitted on study of their file which they must send to the Minister of Forests and Wildlife through the channel of their Embassies or diplomatic representations in Cameroon no later than June 30. 2022 at 3:30 p.m. They must specify the origin of the resources for their care in Cameroon (State, Public or Private Organizations, NGOs , Parents or other sources).

NB: For Cameroonian civil servants, in accordance with article 13 paragraph 2 of decree N° 2000/696/PM of September 13, 2000 fixing the general regime of administrative competitions , can apply for professional competitions , civil servants bringing together on the 1st January of the year of the competition at least five years of effective service in their grade or framework for their reclassification in the Public Service.

The complete files of the candidates for the ENEF 2022 Competition must be deposited at the mail office of the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife, ground floor of the ministerial building N ° 2. or at the Specialized School of Wildlife of Garoua at Office of the Head of Administration and Finance. , no later than  July 26, 2021   at 3:30 p.m. The file must include the following documents

  1. A registration form that can be downloaded from the MINFOF website   or can be obtained from the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife when submitting your documents.
  2. A stamped handwritten request addressed to the Minister of Forests and Wildlife, specifying the cycle requested.
  3. Three recent color passport photos (4×4).
  4. A certified true copy of the birth certificate signed by an administrative or municipal authority.
  5. A certified copy of the required certificate. Forest competitions 2021-2022 Cameroon
  6. A medical certificate of aptitude for forestry work dating back less than three months and signed by a doctor from the administration.
  7. An extract from the candidate’s criminal record dating back less than three months.
  8. A certified copy of the ATAEF, ATAA, ATEF, ATA TEF or TA testimony for internal candidates. 
  9. A certificate of effective presence duly signed by the candidate’s manager (for internal candidates).
  10. An authorization signed by the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform for internal candidates.
  11. Integration decision for internal candidates.
  12. A signed authorization and a letter of sponsorship from the public or semi-public establishment, the forestry company and the NGO for their candidates.
  13. An authentic receipt attesting to the payment of the competitive examination fees of ten thousand francs  (10,000) FCFA  for external candidates and fifteen thousand francs  (15,000) FCFA  for civil servants, candidates from public and semi-public enterprises, forestry companies and NGO.

NB: The registration fees are paid against receipt to the ticket office of the tests. Mr. OLIVER NEMBO TANGUANANG , MIe 579 274-N, Deputy Research Officer at the Education Unit of the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife, ministerial building no. 2 (7th floor room 745) for candidates wishing to submit their application to Yaoundé or to the head of the Administration and Finance department at the Ecole Spécialisée de la Faune de Garoua for those who wish to submit their files to Garoua.


3.1- Written part; Concours ENEF 2023-2024 Cameroon

3.1.1 Cycle C: Technical Agents for Water and Forests (ATEF)

  • Date: Wednesday 08/17/2022
    • 8H -10H: Math (2h time, coef 3)
    • 10.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m.: Natural Sciences or Physical Sciences (2 hours of time, coefficient 3)
    • 1-2 p.m.: Languages ​​(1 hour, coef 1)
    • 2:30-4:00 p.m.: General Culture (1h30, coef 3)

3.1.2 Cycle B1: Water and Forest Technicians (TEF) – Forestry concours 2023-2024

Thursday 18-08-2022 matterDurationCoefficient
08:00 – 10:00Natural or physical sciencesForest sciences.2 hours5
10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.Math2 hours5
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.Tongue.1 hour1
2.30 p.m. – 4 p.m.General culture.1H303

3.1.3 Cycle B2: Senior Water and Forest Technicians (TSEF)

Friday 12-08-2021MaterialsDurationCoefficient
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.Math2 hours5
10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.Natural or physical sciences. Forest science2 hours5
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.General culture1H304
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.Tongue.1 hour2

The examination program is that of O/L for the Assistant Forestry Technician cycle, lower sixth science for the Forestry Technician cycle and AIL sciences for the Higher Forestry Technician level for General Education and O/L and A/L Technical Education Wood Industry. Forest competition 2023-2024 Cameroon.

External candidates for the ENEF 2022 Competition will be tested in Natural or Physical Sciences while internal candidates and candidates considered as such as well as forest-wood industry graduates will be tested in Forest Sciences.

NB  . When we talk about Forest Sciences we mean: basic forest sciences (forest ecology, botany, dendrormetry). forestry, logging, timber industry, fish farming, wildlife and hunting. 

The language tests will include an English test for French-speaking candidates and a French test for English-speaking candidates. Please note that this is not a bilingual test.

3.2- Oral part 

The oral test, which will be assigned a coefficient of two (2), will consist of a 15-minute interview with the jury and only candidates who have passed the written part will take part in the orals.

3.3 Publication of results

The written part of the entrance examination and the final results are published by the Minister responsible for forests and wildlife.


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