ENS Yaounde I online registration procedures 2021-2022

ENS Yaounde I online registration procedures 2021-2022. University of Yaounde I online registration for the 2021-2022 accademic year.

The Rector of the University of Yaounde I hereby informs Baccalauréat, GCE A-Level and BA Degree holders wishing to register (kamerpower.com) in the University of Yaounde l that preregistration procedures into the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences (FALSH), the Faculty of Science (FS), and the Faculty of Education (Master I only) are as follows

University of Yaounde I online registration procedures 2021-2022 Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences (FALSH), Faculty of Science (FS), Faculty of Education (FSE)

2021-2022 ENS Yaounde I online registration steps

  1. Pay your preregistrafion fees (10000 CFAF) to United Bank of Africa (UBA) accounts through MTN Mobile MoneyExpress Union or UBA.
  2. Go to the website www.preinscriptions-uy1 .uninet.cm. kamerpower.com
  3. Click on the School of your choice. kamerpower.com
  4. Click on “Preregistration”, and read carefully the guidelines on the website opened.
  5. Click on the School of your choice and read carefully the information contained on the webpage.
  6. Click on “Here”, then enter your personal information accordingly.
  7. Cross check and save by clicking on “Validation”.
  1. After validation, print out your information sheet bearing both your identification code and your day of appointment to drop the file. The file shall contain the following documents:
    • A Certified Copy of your Baccalauréat/GCE A-Level or Result Slip.
    • A Certified Copy of your Baccalauréat Transcripts.
    • A Certified Copy of your Probatoire/GCE O Level or Result Slip.
    • A Certified Copy of your BA Degree or its equivalent for admission into the Faculty of Education.
    • A Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate.
  2. Make sure you validate your file in the Computer Room allocated for that purpose and drop the file in the Faculty chosen.

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