ENS Yaounde I online registration procedures 2021-2022. University of Yaounde I online registration for the 2021-2022 accademic year.
The Rector of the University of Yaounde I hereby informs Baccalauréat, GCE A-Level and BA Degree holders wishing to register (kamerpower.com) in the University of Yaounde l that preregistration procedures into the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences (FALSH), the Faculty of Science (FS), and the Faculty of Education (Master I only) are as follows
University of Yaounde I online registration procedures 2021-2022 Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences (FALSH), Faculty of Science (FS), Faculty of Education (FSE)
2021-2022 ENS Yaounde I online registration steps
- Pay your preregistrafion fees (10000 CFAF) to United Bank of Africa (UBA) accounts through MTN Mobile Money, Express Union or UBA.
- Go to the website www.preinscriptions-uy1 .uninet.cm. kamerpower.com
- Click on the School of your choice. kamerpower.com
- Click on “Preregistration”, and read carefully the guidelines on the website opened.
- Click on the School of your choice and read carefully the information contained on the webpage.
- Click on “Here”, then enter your personal information accordingly.
- Cross check and save by clicking on “Validation”.
- After validation, print out your information sheet bearing both your identification code and your day of appointment to drop the file. The file shall contain the following documents:
- A Certified Copy of your Baccalauréat/GCE A-Level or Result Slip.
- A Certified Copy of your Baccalauréat Transcripts.
- A Certified Copy of your Probatoire/GCE O Level or Result Slip.
- A Certified Copy of your BA Degree or its equivalent for admission into the Faculty of Education.
- A Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate.
- Make sure you validate your file in the Computer Room allocated for that purpose and drop the file in the Faculty chosen.
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