Concours Police 2021-2022: Reception and Validation Procedure of Application Files

Concours Police 2021-2022: Reception and Validation Procedure of Application Files for the 2021 Competitive Examinations Into the National Security Corps.

This users’ guide has been designed to serve as a reference document to orientate all applicants in the process of registering and submitting applications for the 2021 competitive examination of the National Security Corps.

For all candidates, it should be noted that the process of registration and submission of applications involves several stages which can be divided into two (02) main phases, namely:

  1. Online registration phase (via internet : ) ;
  2. Physical file submission phase.

Procedure for Registration and Submission of Applications

1. Online registration (via internet)

  • Take note of the launch of the competitive exam by obtaining the order corresponding to the competitive exam of your choice. The candidate can apply for the different ranks (Cadet superintendent of police, Cadet assistant superintendent of police, Cadet inspectors of police and Cadet Police constables) if he/she fulfils all the required conditions;
  • Using the order launching the competitive exam, prepare all the required documents;
  • Once you have completed your application file, go to the website, an online platform, available in French and English, for the registration of applications for the National Security 2021 competitive exam;
  • On the platform, enter your unique telephone number (for one candidate only and to be used throughout the competitive exam), you will receive a Connection Code (CC), enter it into the site, a home page will open. From this page, select the competitive exam type and the corresponding number will be displayed.
  • Send this number by SMS to « 8111 » and receive the « NS Code » which confirms the applicant’s registration for the competitive exam requested. If the code received does not correspond to the competitive exam requested, send a new SMS to “8111”, worded as follows: NS number receivedcode number of the old competitive examcode number of the new competitive exam.
  • Fill in the online registration form until you reach the payment number which entitles you to a receipt of payment. With this receipt, go to the counters of the Express Union branches to pay the competitive exam fee. The payment receipt shows all information about the applicant and the competitive exam applied for.
  • With regard to the payment number, the candidate is also given the possibility to pay the competitive exam fees by Orange Money, MTNMobile Money or EXPRESS UNION Mobile Money.
  • You will receive an SMS from EXPRESS UNION confirming payment of the competitive
  • exam fee ;
  • Return to the site after payment of the competitive exam fee by using your “NS Code’’ to print the registration form. The form can only be printed after payment of the competitive exam fee;
  • Once the form has been printed, the applicant no longer has access to the site to modify his/her information. If a new error is discovered, contact a person in charge of the “ technical workshop”, who will give the necessary instructions;
  • Receive a message informing the applicant of the date submission of the physical file;
  • Staple your 4X4 photo in colour and take it against a white background in the boxes provided on the registration form;

[tds_info]NB: If the applicant wants to apply for more than one competitive exam, enter the site and click on déjà inscrit (already registered).[/tds_info]

2. Concours Police 2021-2022: Reception and Validation Procedure of Application Files – Physical file submission

  • 1- Ensure that the physical file is complete and that the constitutive documents are arranged in the order given in the order launching the competitive exam;
  • Go to the chosen submission centre on the day indicated by telephone message.

Reception and orientation workshop

  • Go to the reception and orientation workshop of the competitive exam applied for;
  • After the official must have checked whether the candidate is scheduled, the candidate is given a numbered badge representing his/her order of arrival;
  • Proceed to the second workshop, which is the verification workshop.

File verification workshop

1- The candidate should make sure that he/she properly filed the documents in the file before appearing before the verifying officer;
2- Write the surnames, first names and types of competitive exam on the verification form that is given to the candidate;
3- Hand over the form and the file to the verifying officer;
4- The file may be rejected immediately under the following conditions with the possibility for the candidate to remedy the shortcoming found :
– Irregularity concerning the authenticity or the signatory of a document,
– Absence of a document.
5- If the file is complete, the verifying officer gives the file to the candidate as well as the verification form duly signed by the officer who will have marked “ to be validated ” with a red pen;
6- The applicant is referred to the application validation workshop;

File classification workshop

  • The candidate actually deposits his/her file in this workshop with a filing officer and hands in his/her badge;
  • The filing officer processes the file by assigning a file number, which he/she will write on the applicant’s application and on the receipt, on which he/she will affix the round stamp;
  • The receipt is detached and given to the applicant;
  • End of the process.

Concours Police 2021-2022: Reception and Validation Procedure of Application Files – PRACTICAL TIPS

  • Avoid falling into the traps of illusion merchants;
  • Please contact the Police structures for any information;
  • Read the notices launching the various competitive exams;
  • Follow the radio programmes on CRTV dedicated to the National Security;
  • Visit the following web sites or;
  • Keep carefully your codes obtained by SMS after online registration and your application receipt.


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