Bad News! The integration of ENS and ENSET graduates in Cameroon will no longer be direct from 2023.
As part of the implementation of the Very High Directives of the HEAD OF STATE, objects of correspondence number 268 / CF / SG / PR of March 09, 2022, the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education ( MINESUP ) the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform (MIN FOP RA) co-chaired on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, from 11:15 a.m., in the meeting room of MINESUP located on the first floor, a meeting work relating to the organization of entrance examinations to the Ecoles Normales Supérieures ( ENS ) or Higher Teachers Training Colledges (HTTC) and the Ecoles Normales Supérieures for Technical Education (ENSET).
After examining the texts in force, it was agreed:
a) to consider the year 2022 as a transitional year during which MINESUP would organize the entrance examinations to the ENS and ENSET;
b) to clean up the texts organizing ENS and the ENSETs, with regard to what appeared to be a contradiction between the regulatory provisions governing access to the said Schools and those for integration into the public service;
d) to separate, from the year 2023, the training functions from those of integration into the public service; which implies that MINESUP will continue to organize entrance examinations into the ENS and ENSET, while MINFOPRA will proceed with the organization of direct competitions for the integration of ENS and ENSET graduates into the State civil service, taking into account the needs expressed by MINESEC as well as budgetary availability;
e) to inform the public and the university community of the new provisions relating to admission and training in the ENS and the ENSET;
f) to introduce into the training curricula of ENS and ENSETs from the 2023-2024 academic year, teaching units relating to administrative law, civil service law as well as ethics and administrative ethics;
g) identify the students who have benefited from a return to their qualifications in the ENS and the ENSETs and remind them of the provisions of decree no. the obligation to respect the training deadlines and that of effective resumption of service at the end of the said training,