The National Advanced School of Public Works (NASPW). Created in 1970 by a Decree of the President of the Republic under the name National School of Technology (NST), in 1982 it became the National Advanced School of Public Works (NASPW) and includes an annexe school in Buea and two Public Works Trade Centres (PWTC) in Akonolinga and Garoua.
The National Advanced School of Public Works is a public technical vocational training school under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Works.
It is headed by Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO, Director of this benchmark school in the field of Public Works and Architecture.
Goals and missions
The National Advanced School of Public Works is a Public Institution of Technical Vocational Training placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Works. It is in charge of:
- The initial training;
- The improvement;
- The recycling;
- The specialization;
- Technical managers from the administration and the private sector.
The various disciplines concerned are Civil Engineering, Rural Engineering, Town Planning, Topography – Surveying and Management. The main school currently has:
- 27 classrooms;
- 2 amphitheatres;
- 4 drawing rooms;
- 3 computer rooms;
- 1 multimedia room and 1 library;
- 4 laboratories: Geotechnics, Hydraulics, Physical Sciences and Materials Resistance;
- 2 workshops: wood and iron.
Diplomas at the National Advanced School of Public Works (NASPW)
The diplomas obtained after your studies at NASPW once you graduate allow you to become an engineer or technician in several areas of construction. As a graduate, you play a vital role in the faculty, professional, and international community. You are the ambassador of the National School of Public Works
- Master in Engineering Management (MI)
- Master in Transport Planning in Cameroon
- Senior Technicians Cycle (TS)
- Technical Agents cycle (TA)
- Technicians’ cycle (T)
National School of Public Works PO 510. Elig-Effa Yaounde, Cameroon (237) 222 23 09 44 / (237) 222 22 18 16 [email protected]