Registration and login portal for the Nigerian Police Competitive Examination – Registration and login portal for the Nigerian Police Competitive Examination

Every year, the Nigerian Police Force will launch recruitment of abled candidates to join the ranks of the security forces.

Applicants will have to register via the online portal for the competitive examination. Before the application process, candidates are advised to read the instructions thoroughly before completing the Nigeria Police Force online Recruitment Form. Any incomplete or wrongly completed Form will be rejected and will not be processed.

[tds_warning]Application into Nigeria Police Force requires NATIONAL IDENTITY MANAGEMENT COMMISSION (Nimc) Number, by providing the number you have given Nigeria police Force the right to get your bio data i.e. Basic information from Nimc and the data will not be editable while applying for this job.[/tds_warning]

What is the official Registration and Login portal for the Nigerian Police Competitive Examination?

Before submitting your application via the portal, the NPF has announced the applicants must be between the ages of 17 and 25.

Ensure you have the necessary documents needed before submitting your application online via the Police portal.

Login to the portal and submit your credential for the NPF constable job recruitment which is currently taking place.

To login to the police portal, simply visit the NPF website for an application to register for the police constable recruitment.

Please take note that multiple applications on the portal will be disqualified.

All that you need to apply for the recruitment, is your phone number, email address, valid id and means of identification.

[tds_info]Registration Portal :[/tds_info]


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