Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) 2022 – Apply Now –

Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) 2022 – Apply Now – Candidates who are eligible for the Joint Admissions Exercise may apply online through the Ministry of Education’s JAE Internet System (JAE-IS). Note that as an applicant, you will require either a JAE-PIN or a valid SingPass to access the JAE-IS.

The JAE-PIN will be issued to all 2021 ‘O’ Level holders who are eligible to participate in the JAE and is stated in your Form A, which you will receive from your secondary school on the day of announcement of the ‘O’ Level results or by post (for private candidates – Citizens and Permanent Residents).

The Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) is conducted annually by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to let Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level certificate holders apply for admission to courses offered by: Junior Colleges (JC), Millennia Institute (MI), Polytechnics (Poly) and Institute of Technical Education (ITE).


Who is eligible

  • Singapore Citizens (SC) and Permanent Residents (PR) with O-Level examination results from any year.
  • International students studying in a government school, government-aided school, or an independent school in Singapore with results from the most recent O-Level examination.

Explore the junior colleges (JC) and Millennia Institute (MI), and courses offered by polytechnics and the Institute of Technical Education (ITE).

Who is not eligible

1. If you are a current or ex-student of a JC, MI or a polytechnic

You are not eligible to apply for the same institution type through the JAE. For example, if you are currently studying in a JC or you have studied in a JC before, you will not be eligible for JC in the JAE.

If you intend to apply for the same institution type, you can approach the institutions directly after the release of JAE posting results.

2. If you are a current Higher Nitec student seeking re-admission to ITE

You should approach ITE directly.

You should not apply for Higher Nitec courses through the 2022 JAE if you:

  • Had to leave your ITE course due to disciplinary reasons within the past 2 years.
  • Are a Higher Nitec graduate who graduated on or after 1 May 2021.

3. If you have a confirmed place in an institution through a direct or early admission exercise

Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) admission criteria to institutions


To be eligible for admission to a junior college, you must meet these 2 criteria:

  1. Your L1R5 must not exceed 20.
  2. Meet the grade requirements for specific subjects.

1. Subjects in L1R5 (L1R5 = First Language + 5 Relevant Subjects)

L1R5 Subjects
L1 English or Higher Mother Tongue Language (MTL)
R1 Any 1 of these subjects:
  • Humanities
  • Higher Art
  • Higher Music
  • Malay (Special Programme)
  • Chinese (Special Programme)
  • Bahasa Indonesia
R2 Mathematics or Science
R3 Any 1 of these subjects:
  • Humanities
  • Higher Art
  • Higher Music
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Malay (Special Programme)
  • Chinese (Special Programme)
  • Bahasa Indonesia
R4, R5 Any 2 GCE O-Level subjects except Religious Knowledge
What cannot be used in the same aggregate computation
  • Grades for both Higher MTL (such as Higher Chinese, Higher Malay and Higher Tamil) and MTL (such as Chinese, Malay and Tamil). For example, if Higher MTL is used as the first language, MTL cannot be used as a relevant subject.
  • “Merit” and “Pass” grades for the Mother Tongue ‘B’ Syllabus (Chinese ‘B’, Malay ‘B’ and Tamil ‘B’).

2. Grade requirements for specific subjects

Subject Grade
English Language 1-6
Elementary or Additional Mathematics 1-7
Any 1 Mother Tongue Language (MTL)


MTL: Chinese, Malay, Tamil

MTL-in-lieu: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, French, German, Japanese, Arabic, Burmese, Thai

  • 1-7 for MTL
  • 1-8 for Higher MTL*
  • Merit or Pass for ‘B’ Syllabus*

*There is no Higher level or ‘B’ Syllabus for MTL-in-lieu

Conditional admission

If you do not meet the subject requirements, you are eligible for conditional admission when you meet one of these criteria for your L1R5 gross aggregate score:

  1. 15 or less
  2. Between 16 and 20 (both scores inclusive), and with grades of A1 or A2 in all 5 Relevant Subjects.


To be eligible for admission to Millennia Institute (MI), you must meet these 2 criteria:

  1. Your L1R4 must not exceed 20.
  2. Meet the grade requirements for specific subjects.

1. Subjects in L1R4 (L1R4 = First Language + 4 Relevant Subjects)

L1R4 Subjects
L1 English or Higher Mother Tongue Language (MTL)
R1, R2 Any 2 of these subjects:
  • Humanities
  • Higher Art
  • Higher Music
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Malay (Special Programme)
  • Chinese (Special Programme)
  • Bahasa Indonesia
R3, R4 Any 2 GCE O-Level subjects except Religious Knowledge
What cannot be used in the same aggregate computation
  • Grades for both Higher MTL (such as Higher Chinese, Higher Malay and Higher Tamil) and MTL (such as Chinese, Malay and Tamil). For example, if Higher MTL is used as the first language, MTL cannot be used as a relevant subject.
  • “Merit” and “Pass” grades for the Mother Tongue ‘B’ Syllabus (Chinese ‘B’, Malay ‘B’ and Tamil ‘B’).

2. Grade requirements for specific subjects

Subject Grade
English Language 1-6
Elementary or Additional Mathematics 1-7
Any 1 Mother Tongue Language (MTL)


MTL: Chinese, Malay, Tamil

MTL-in-lieu: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, French, German, Japanese, Arabic, Burmese, Thai

  • 1-7 for MTL
  • 1-8 for Higher MTL*
  • Merit or Pass for ‘B’ Syllabus*

*There is no Higher level or ‘B’ Syllabus for MTL-in-lieu

Conditional admission

If you do not meet the subject requirements, you are eligible for conditional admission when you meet one of these criteria for your L1R4 gross aggregate score:

  1. 15 or less
  2. Between 16 and 20 (both scores inclusive), and with grades of A1 or A2 in all 4 Relevant Subjects.

C. Polytechnics

To be eligible for admission to a polytechnic, you must meet these 2 criteria:

  1. Your ELR2B2 net aggregate score must not exceed 26 for all courses except for Diploma in Nursing (ELR2B2 must not exceed 28). ELR2B2 = English Language + 2 Relevant Subjects + 2 Best Subjects – bonus points. Learn more about aggregate computation for polytechnic courses  (37kb).
  2. Meet the minimum entry requirements of the course that you are applying for. Find these requirements in CourseFinder.


To be eligible for admission to a Higher Nitec course at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), you must meet these 2 criteria:

  1. You must have sat for at least 5 O-Level subjects over a maximum of 2 years.
  2. Meet the minimum entry requirements of the course that you are applying for. Find these requirements in CourseFinder.

Learn more about aggregate computation for Higher Nitec courses  (73kb).

Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) 2022 Bonus points for admission

Bonus points are awarded for attainment in co-curricular activities (CCA), language grades and school affiliation.

These points are deducted from your O-Level gross aggregate score to compute the net aggregate score.

You can get a maximum of 4 bonus points from a combination of any of these achievements:

Type of bonus pointsBonus points
CCA grade: Excellent, A1 or A2 for admission to all institutions2
CCA grade: Good, or from B3 to C6 for admission to all institutions1
English and Higher Mother Tongue Language grade: A1 to C6 for admission to JC or MI2
Chinese or Malay Special Programmes or Bahasa Indonesia grade: A1 to C6 for admission to JC or MI2
Selection of your affiliated JC as your 1st or 1st and 2nd choices.2

You can get an additional 2 bonus points if you are selected for the Chinese, Malay or Tamil Language Elective Programme offered in some JCs.

Learn more about the different types of Language Elective Programmes:

How to apply for the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) 2022

The Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) will start at 3 pm on Wednesday, 12 January 2022 and end at 4 pm on Monday, 17 January 2022.

During this period, you may submit your application online through the JAE-Internet System (JAE-IS). 

What you need to know before applying for your courses

  • Filling in the JAE Worksheet (134kb) with your course and programme choices before accessing JAE-IS will prepare you for the online application.
  • You may choose up to 12 courses from different institutions in your application.
  • You may combine O-Level results from any 2 years to apply for your courses.
  • You may amend your submitted choices via JAE-IS only during the JAE registration period.
  • Find step-by-step registration instructions in the JAE-IS User Guide (1.4mb).

If you sat for the most recent O Level exam


  • Fill in the JAE Worksheet (134kb) with your course and programme choices to prepare you for the online application.
  • Log into JAE-IS with your Singpass.
  • Alternatively, you may use your JAE PIN (found on Form A (150kb) that you would receive on the day of the release of O-Level results).


If you sat for O-Level exam in earlier Years


  • Apply for a Singpass at least 10 working days before the start of JAE.
  • Access JAE-IS using your Singpass.
  • Submit a request for a compilation of eligible courses. This service is not available on the last day.
  • Log in to JAE-IS 6 hours later to check the courses you are eligible for.
  • Choose your courses and submit your application.
  • If you are eligible for JAE and do not receive any replies to your course compilation request, contact MOE CSC.


If you are unable to register via JAE-IS

Use the JAE Request Form if you are unable to complete your online registration or update using JAE-IS for reasons like a change of address and having to reprint Form A (150kb) etc.

If you are unable to use the JAE Request Form, nominate an adult aged 21 and above to submit your registration using the proxy form (123kb) and submit it online with these supporting documents:

  • Your NRIC, CCA record and O-Level results slip
  • NRICs of parents or guardian, and proxy

Explore courses by institution, fields of interest and aggregate scores. 




Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) 2022 Posting Process

How is JAE posting conducted?

You must first meet the admission criteria of the course that you are applying for.

After eligibility is confirmed, all these factors will be taken into consideration.

  1. Your net aggregate score (gross aggregate score – bonus points)
  2. Your choice of courses
  3. Vacancies available in the courses

Who gets priority when two applicants have the same net aggregate score?

If you have the same net aggregate score as another applicant for the last place in a course, posting will be determined by citizenship status, in this order:

  1. Singapore Citizens (SC)
  2. Permanent Residents (PR)
  3. International students

If both of you are SCs, the one with a better gross aggregate score will be posted to the course.

If there is still a tie, a computerised ballot will decide the posting outcome.

What if you are not posted to any of your chosen courses?

You will be posted to a course with vacancies. This will be at a similar institution type as your first choice.

For example, you will be posted to a JC course if you have indicated JC as your first choice. This is subject to you meeting the course’s entry requirements.

If you have applied for a Diploma in Nursing course

Interest is a consideration for posting to the Diploma in Nursing courses at Nanyang Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

You will be given priority if you have indicated these courses as your first choice and meet the minimum entry requirements.

Posting results

The JAE posting results will be released on Friday, 4 February 2022 through:

  • SMS (if you have provided a local mobile number in your application)
  • JAE Internet System (access using your Singpass or alternatively, the JAE PIN)

You can only submit an appeal after the release of the JAE posting results.

Appeals are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Acceptance of offer – Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) 2022

If you are posted to a Junior college or Milennia Institute

You must report to the JC or MI at 7.30 am on Monday, 7 February 2022 following the release of the JAE posting results. If not, your place will be forfeited. It will then be made available to other eligible applicants appealing for a place in the course.

You may wear your secondary school uniform and bring your original identification documents (NRIC, student’s pass or passport) when you report.

If you are waiting for an appeal outcome, you should still report to the school you are posted to. Inform them subsequently if your appeal is successful.

[tds_info]Note: If you are unable to report to your posted JC/MI with valid reasons, you can call or email the school to confirm that you are taking up the offer and they will reserve a place for you.[/tds_info]

If you are posted to a polytechnic

You should receive an enrolment package by the end of February. You are required to complete your online enrolment by the date stated in the package. If not, your place will be forfeited. It will then be made available to other eligible applicants appealing for a place in the course.

If you are waiting for an appeal outcome, you should still accept the posted course offer online. If your appeal is successful, inform the polytechnic you were posted to.

Note: Singapore Citizens will automatically be awarded the MOE Tuition Grant (TG) upon successful enrolment into the Polytechnics as long as they have not benefitted from TG previously to complete a course at the same or higher level of educationLearn more on Tuition Grant Scheme for Polytechnic Students.

If you are posted to the institute of technical education (ITE)

You should receive an enrolment letter within 3 working days after the release of JAE posting results. You must accept the course offered online by the date stated in the letter. If not, your place will be forfeited. It will then be made available to other eligible applicants appealing for a place in the course.

If you are waiting for an appeal outcome, you should still accept the posted course offer online. Inform ITE subsequently if your appeal is successful. For course and application enquiries, call ITE Hotline at 1800 2222 111, Mondays to Fridays, 8.30 am to 6 pm.

Submitting an appeal

If you want to submit an appeal after the release of the JAE posting results:

  • Contact the junior college (JC) or Millennia Institute (MI) directly by phone or email. Find their contact details at SchoolFinder.
  • Access the JAE Online Appeal Portal for appeals to a polytechnic or the ITE.

You must meet the minimum entry requirement and the net aggregate score of the lowest-ranked applicant for the course that you are appealing for.

Appeals are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the institutions. A place may be granted only when compelling reasons are presented and vacancies are available.


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