Guidelines for Registration of Candidates in the UNEB Examination

This guideline explains how the registration of candidates in the UNEB examination takes place. This includes all examinations managed by the Uganda National Examinations Board.

This process involves the use of electronic methods to carry out the registration of candidates and these include;

  • Windows-based desktop application
  • On-line registration
  • Bulk registration through the web-portal.

As the first step, the Board has designed and developed a Windows-based desktop system for electronically registering UCE and UACE candidates. This system contains in-built controls for the most common checks that we routinely carry out manually during the registration process.

The e-Registration process is simple and only requires one to possess minimal computer skills.   The system was designed bearing in mind that the internet is not yet widespread in Uganda. The system will, therefore, allow centres to register candidates from a location without internet connectivity and then send the data to UNEB from another location where there are internet services.  

This is achieved through an export facility that allows the user of the system to extract data and export it into an Excel workbook that can subsequently be uploaded to the UNEB web portal.        

UNEB also recognizes that a number of centres may not have computer facilities of their own. This SHOULD NOT deter a centre from electronically registering candidates. This is because a single computer can be used to register candidates from several centres.

Software and access to necessary data


  For proper utilization of the e-Registration programme, a School/Centre should have the following:

  • Digital photographs of candidates
  • Computer with Windows Operating System
  • Internet connection: In the absence of an internet connection at the centre, the data can be exported to an Excel workbook, then go to an area with internet facilities.
  • A trained person to do e-Registration.

Examination centres may meet the minimum requirements by teaming with Schools in their neighbourhood or hiring equipment.


  UNEB has carried out training of all Users/Heads of examination centres in March 2016. The training focused on how to install and use the e-Registration programme.


  All the required information for the registration of candidates should be entered in the TEMPLATES provided in the e-registration system.  

  • The only method of submitting Registration data to UNEB is by using the UNEB portal.
  • Note that data should be uploaded to the UNEB portal after thorough verification and confirmation of accuracy.
  • Institution choices SHALL BE submitted at the time of registration.

Upload Data to UNEB portal

UNEB does not issue duplicate certificates. In case of loss/damage of result slips and/or certificates, a letter of verification of results is issued to serve the concerned candidate. These are issued on request by individuals, educational institutions, employers and government agencies that carry out investigations. The requirements for this service are: (i) Individuals should:

  • bring a letter from school/centre of sitting
  • come in person. Candidates outside the country should send a copy of the identity document and a letter authorizing someone else to process the document.
  • bring a letter from Police , in case of loss or damage of slip/certificate
  • present a copy of a valid identity card
  • pay processing fees as determined from time to time. Payment will be made to the Cashier and an appropriate receipt issued. The approved fee effective January 2015 is 40,000 shillings for an ordinary letter and 80,000 shillings for a Hard Card that serves as substitute for a certificate.

(ii) Institutions, agencies, bodies

  • Provide a:
  • letter of request addressed to the Executive Secretary, UNEB
  • typed list of persons whose results are to be verified indicating level of examination (PLE, UCE or UACE) year of sitting and the correct index number (including both centre & candidate number)
  • photocopies of the result document to be verified/confirmed and the “original” document where forgery is highly suspected
  • Pay the Uganda National Examinations Board against an invoice issued by the Board.

Processing of letters of verification of results (LVR) is done at the Ntinda office block.  You can also apply online here


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