The Advanced Business Certificate Examination (ABCE) is available to School Candidates as well as candidates who study privately towards the examination in Ghana. Candidates who have obtained passes in the relevant subjects at the GCE ‘O’ Level/SSSCE/WASSCE/General Business Certificate/Royal Society of Arts Stage II/London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Stage II Level may be considered … Read more


An accountant is a practitioner of accounting or accountancy. An accountant has one of the most important roles in any business, whether they work in large corporations or small businesses. As the financial backbone of a business, they prepare and examine financial records, ensure all money transactions are accurate, and that taxes are paid on time. … Read more


Accounting, also known as accountancy, is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial and non-financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations. The financial statements used in accounting are a concise summary of financial transactions over an accounting period, summarizing a company’s operations, financial position, and cash flows. Those who practice accounting and … Read more


An auditor is a person or a firm appointed by a company to execute an audit. To act as an auditor, a person should be certified by the regulatory authority of accounting and auditing or possess certain specified qualifications. Generally, to act as an external auditor of the company, a person should have a certificate of practice from the regulatory authority. In other words, he or she is … Read more


BECE PRIVATE stands for Basic Education Certificate Examination for Private Students. This examination is both for certification and selection into Senior High Schools and Technical Institutes in Ghana. The results of the examination are based on the external examination. Two categories of prospective candidates are permitted to register for the examination. (1) Re-sitters – This consists … Read more


BECE SCHOOL means BASIC EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION FOR SCHOOL CANDIDATES. This examination is both for certification and selection into Senior High Schools and Technical Institutes in Ghana. The results of the examination are based on Continuous Assessment and external examination. The Continuous Assessment forms 30% whilst the external examination forms 70% of the total assessment. … Read more


BEPC – Brevet d’Études du Premier Cycle, Diplôme obtenu en France jusqu’en 1977 à l’issue de l’année scolaire de troisième, aujourd’hui connu sous le nom de diplôme national du brevet. Ce diplôme est également disponible dans de nombreux autres pays francophones d’Afrique et à l’étranger qui utilisent le système éducatif Français. Dans les pays où le BEPC est encore un diplôme valable, le diplôme est obtenu par les élèves de quatrième année de l’enseignement secondaire. Après l’obtention de leur BEPC, … Read more


What is Biology? We study this subject in School but the truth still remains that even some Highschool students can’t give a good definition of this subject. [wpdiscuz-feedback id=”wldzrf0f1c” question=”Is this definition correct?” opened=”0″] Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their vital processes. Biology encompasses diverse fields, including botany, … Read more


This is one of the major branches of Biology. When we talk of Botany, we talk about plants. In this light one can define Botany as follows: A branch of biology that deals with the study of plants, including their structure, properties, and biochemical processes. Also included are plant classification and the study of plant diseases … Read more

Bourse d’étude

Une bourse d’étude (Scholarship en Anglais) est une attribution d’argent à un étudiant en vue de lui permettre de poursuivre ses études et d’obtenir une meilleure éducation. Les bourses d’étude sont généralement accordées sous conditions de ressources ou de mérite. Dans les pays en développement, les bourses d’études sont principalement accordées au mérite. La Convention sur … Read more

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