HTTC ENS Bertoua 2023-2024 Entrance Examination Year one First Cycle

HTTC ENS Bertoua 2023-2024 Entrance Examination Year one First Cycle. Concours ENS Bertoua 2023-2024. To launch the competitive entrance examination into year one, the first cycle of the Higher Teacher Training College (ENS) of Bertoua, for the 2022/2023 academic year.

A competitive entrance examination into year one of the first cycle of the Higher Teacher Training College (ENS) of Bertoua for the 2022/2023 academic year has been launched in the following series:

The examination shall be organised in one sitting for Cameroonians of both sexes who are holders of “Baccalauréat”.

the “Bilingual Letters” series is open to holders of GCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects including “French” and at least four (4) GCE O/L subjects excluding ‘Religious Knowledge.

The “Bilingual Letters” series shall be opened only to holders of GCE A/L who fulfil the rest of the conditions stipulated in the present decision.

The table below specifies the series of “‘Bacealauréat” and the subjects candidate must pass in the GCE A/L to be qualified to register for the competitive entrance examination in a given series:

Séries Type de  Baccalauréat  et  matières  au  GCE  AL
GermanA4 (option  Allernand)
BiologyA4 (option  Espagnol)
Chimistry.C ou D
Spanish.C, D ou E
GeographyA4 (option  Allemand ou Espagnol), ABI, C ou D
HistoryA4 (option  Allemand ou Espagnol), ABI, C ou D.
Computer Sciences.C, D, E, F ou TI
Bilingual Letters.French for the GCE AL., ABI
English  modern letters.A4 ou GCE AL
French  modern lettersA4  (option  Allemand  ou  Espaenol), ABI.
MathematicsC, D, E ou TI
Physics.C, D ou E.
  1. Foreign candidates may be allowed to sit for the examination, under the same academic conditions and according to the number of places available, in conformity with the regulations in force.
  2. Candidates who are not civil servants must not be more than 29 years old by January 1st 2022.

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